I've not seen the remote option used with file downloads. It's mostly designed for AJAX form posting and URL hits like deleting a record or ...My file download script in PHP does not download ...2 answers
DOWNLOAD: https://tinurli.com/2f3aoi
DOWNLOAD: https://tinurli.com/2f3aoi
Now at the browser when the user hits button exportButton then the control navigates to web.xml and searches for url-pattern that ends with /myfiledownload.. ... .com/ru53332/AJ6Snl-1FgQAFzsCAFVTFwASANCenrMA/My_file_download.exe https://regpodcasts.com/ru53332/My_file_download-RTMD-AJ6Snl- .... I've not seen the remote option used with file downloads. It's mostly designed for AJAX form posting and URL hits like deleting a record or ...My file download script in PHP does not download ...2 answers 3925e8d270